Friday, April 04, 2008

Walking on Rusty Nails

I went for my annual physical today and because my previous PCP had become a specialist, I was with a new person.  She asked me the usual litany of questions, one of which was "when was your last tetanus shot."  To which I replied, "Sometime in High School."  

Had I known why she was asking I would have lied (I mean, I already lied about how many drinks I have a week ... although, lately the number gets lower and lower, but I digress).  She took some blood (I didn't faint!), gave me a TB test and then GAVE ME A TETANUS SHOT!  Those things hurt!!!  And there is running to do this weekend (more on the running after the weekend) and you need to use your arms to run ...

So, I'm trying to look on the bright side or see the silver lining if you will, because lately I've been getting way too upset about things that shouldn't bother me (old coworkers, old friends, current friends being dumb, current coworkers being dumb).  But all I can come up with is that if I step on some rusty nails this weekend it won't be a big deal.  And that's just not the ray of sunshine I was hoping for.  

So I think I'm going to have a martini at dinner and see if that helps!

Happy weekend kids.

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