The other day my grandmother told me that she was afraid that I would never get married because I'm too picky. By way of example, she claims that I would never marry a street cleaner or a post man.
Which got me thinking.
I think I'm comfortable admitting that I'd never marry a street cleaner. A Zamboni driver maybe, but a street cleaning machine? And even if you tell me that I'm a snob and that I'm assuming that all street cleaners are not overly educated and not particularly well compensated ... I don't know any street cleaners nor do I know where they hang out. I guess I could stalk them by repeatedly parking on the wrong side of the street and moving my car at the last minute with a flirtatious flip of my hair ... but, really? I have a hard enough time meeting guys the regular way (whatever that is) without concocting schemes to meet a street cleaner.
And then there is the post man. I can't say for certain that I wouldn't marry one. They probably get good benefits, they have to pass a test, they probably don't work late (although they do work Saturdays) and they've got to be in decent shape. They do go crazy on occasion and shoot people but ... what are the odds that my post man would go postal?? Again it comes down to lack of opportunity ... the lines at the post office are sooo long, I usually buy my stamps from the machine and when I see the post men walking down the street they seem preoccupied with you know, delivering the mail ...
At any rate, I explained to grandma that I'd maybe go for the postman so if she knew one she could give him my number ... but she refused. Siting my pickiness.
Which got my thinking about the guys I have dated. And then I decided that I really need to become more picky and make my standards MUCH MORE STRINGENT even if it means missing a wonderful romance with a street cleaner.
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