Tuesday, August 28, 2007

I wonder ...

If I'm obsessing over the situation because of my Catholic guilt or because I really give a shit about the situation.

If my swim tonight was so hard because all ate all day was a bowl of cereal and a piece of pizza. Allergies making me not want to eat coupled with trying to get in shape to finish the triathlon in 3 weeks is a rough combination.

If the magic 8 ball really knows what it is talking about.

If the situation is going to come to a conclusion one way or another (see, I am so obsessed). Uggg.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Sliding in Under a Month

I don't think you're a bad blogger required to offer apologies to the one person who reads your blog until you let more than a month go by.

The thing is that there is not that much to say. I've been trying to let my neck/back/disk injury recovery so training has been so so to say the least. I was away for a week which was awesome, but too short. I showed poor judgement around a boy and it is making me sad, but the hair dresser told me so ... and I went out last night with people I haven't seen in while and had fun. And tonight I'm having dinner with two college friends so I'm trying to get unsad. We'll see.

That's really all for now. I just wanted to say hi. I'll post a fun post when I'm not trying so hard to not obsess over the stupid boy.

Later, kids.