Actually that is a lie. I know EXACTLY how it happened. But if I tell you I'll be memorializing the act and giving the intruder attention which, if I know this intruder at all, and I do (or did) know him a bit, I suspect that is exactly what he wants. But its my blog, and I'll do what I want so ... let me start over.
Kids, there has been a major security breach here at So.Much.Fun. The perimeter has been breached and Ryan has found the blog. Ryan? Yes, Ryan ... and Ryan = 2x. 2x=Ryan. So yeah, you see the problem.
I obviously recognized this as a possibility when Dave started his blog and I left comments on it. But, I thought I was safe for awhile because:
1. 2x doesn't really seem like the blog reading type.
2. Even if he did read Dave's blog out of some sort of moral obligation I didn't think he'd read the comments.
3. Even if he did read the comments, i hoped (with not much optimism) that he wouldn't put K.Michele together with ME and click on it. This was a stretch ... but I was going with it.
Because ... back when Dave first learned about my blog, I did a bit of self censorship and moved some posts to drafts. In the end, I came back to it being MY BLOG and decided I didn't need or want to self-censor, particularly with the nick names - I thought I was protecting the innocent well enough so I re-posted all the posts.
When my good friend Dave linked directly to my post mocking his lack of swimming ability I knew that the perimeter was significantly less secure than it had been. I again considered draft mode BUT, as I said, I knew 2x a bit (once) and figured that:
1. As soon as he found this site, he'd want to either (a) mock me for it and/0r (b) let me know that he knew that I had a blog.
2. He'd want to take care of (1) before reading all the back posts ... meaning that if I moved fast I'd have time to delete.
Well, kids I was right about (1) wrong about (2). RYAN: WHEN DID YOU LEARN SUCH SELF CONTROL??? There was a 24 hour lag between 2x finding the blog and me knowing he found the blog ... so what was written was read. Whatever. Its not really that big of a deal. I mean, I wear my emotions on my face, I'm sure what I wrote wasn't that much of a surprise. And I did protect the innocent (Unlike someone who once referred to 2x on their blog by his first and LAST NAME which meant that if you googled it got picked up. Not that I EVER google exs. But hypothetically if I had googled I would have found this blog and it would have referenced 2x and his 'new lady.' And hypothetically, take it from me that if you read on a random blog that your recently exed ex has a 'new lady' it kind of makes you throw up in our mouth a little bit. Or I think it would. Hypothetically.).
Anyway, I digress. The situation is what it is now. The blog has been found and what is written is read. And now there is just one more thing to do ... give Ryan a new nickname (per his request). I don't anticipate him having many more cameos on this blog but I will nonetheless give him a new name. The initial one's I've come up with were inappropriate for a public, pseudo family friendly blog (and, er, that his girlfriend might read ... talk about security breach! HA!). So, I'm opening it up to my friendly blog readers ... suggestions are welcome.
But, because I fear there will be no suggestions (which will be disappointing, Dave), I'm going to go with RP for now.
So, for those of you paying attention at home, until further notice:
There. Now that we've got this security situation under control, you are all free to go about your weekends. And I, having finally gotten 12 hours of sleep, am going to work out for a million hours to make up for this week's slacking. Happy Saturday;)
ahhhhhhhhhhh, how did this happen? I even left you anon. on my blog to protect your idenity by giving you the nickname you give me on your blog.....not that I thought RP was reading my blog either....
Well as for the nickname, RP is always a good standby. I can't really think of anything more creative at this moment knowing that he reads this....
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