Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Sensory Overload

I think that is what I'm suffering from. I'm distracted and can't focus ... there is just too much going on.

You'll recall, if you've been paying attention, that I completed my triathlon and was preparing to move and preparing to survive my next triathlon ... well, I woke up last Tuesday for my second workout in operation don't drown and I was in pain. Back, neck and shoulder pain. I abandoned the thought of swimming and tried to go for a run. I made it one block. It hurt. Alot. So I went to work and got a massage and it still hurt. Alot. So I went to bed.

Wednesday was the closing. I woke up to work and do some packing pre closing and everything still hurt. Alot. So I called my awesome local massage girl and made an appointment for one hour after the closing. It should have worked perfectly. Perfectly I tell you, except that the bank forgot to wire the money. So I left the closing and got a massage while I waited for the money to arrive. The massage helped, the money arrived and I was an indebted home owner.

My mom and sister came over to help with some last minute packing that I couldn't handle because of my injury. We then headed up to the new pad and ... the keys didn't work. Seriously. Only me.

Thursday was uneventful and Friday I woke up in EVEN MORE PAIN. It hurt so much it made me nauseous. So I called in sick to work (which I never do) and made some massage/chiropractor appointments. They helped, but things still hurt. Saturday and Sunday were rough. The parents had to do all of my packing and unpacking. It sucks to be unable to do something (like lift things) that you are used to doing. I'm not a fan of being gimpy.

Sunday the apartment was in decent order and I was exhausted I should have been asleep immediately but it just wasn't happening. I was like a little kid on Christmas - I just couldn't turn it off.

Monday 2x emailed me. He had emailed a few days prior allegedly just to say hi but also to mention that he and his new girl were buying a condo together. I'll refrain from comment on that other than to advise that hell may in fact being freezing over. This time he emailed to tell me about his weekend trip to Home Depot where they picked out a nice brownish color combo that would go nicely with their light blue sectional ... woah. WTF?? That is what I'm getting. And I NEVER told him so yeah, its just a coincidence and its not like I'll ever see their apartment or them mine or that many if any people will ever see both of our apartments but REALLY? Why??

It was just more unnecessary stuff to think about. On top of craziness at work. On top of the fact that the people that claim to know are telling me not to work out and I have an oly tri on July 22 ... I actually signed up for an additional later one just in case that one is horrific ... and its just too much.

I LOVE my apartment. And I just kind of want to sit in it and be a grown up indebted homeowner and to train for this oly and be here but too much has been happening lately and while I want to be here I NEED to be somewhere quiet where I can relax and sleep and eat and recharge and come back and do what I want here. And so I am. I leave early Saturday. And I can not wait.

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