Friday, June 01, 2007

I am a bad blogger ...

I'm thinking of telling a few more people about K. Michele so I've gone through and deleted a few incriminating posts ... not all of them, but some. I'm not sure how I feel about self-censorship, but I've saved the posts as drafts so I guess its okay, right?

Anyway, again, I've abandoned ya'll for awhile so:

Costa Rica

It was fun. Although the degree to which it sucked to come home came close to outweighing the fun. We swam, we drank, we played euchre, we went on a run that was more of a mountain climbing adventure, we hiked in the rain forest and we found a water fall. We also think that Pat & Larisa got married. We're not sure because the ceremony was all in Spanish but they kissed at the end.

And the drama? Well, there really was none. 2x's chick is fine. About as different from me or anyone I know as you could possibly ever get and I don't think there was a moment during the whole trip where they weren't in physical contact (they tended to hold hands throughout entire meals) and she brought her own coffee creamer (allow me my one caddy comment, thank you) but she was harmless. And 2x was nice to me, although I don't really think that the trip was the beginning of a great friendship between the two of us, in fact I've barely spoken to him since.

The girls were anxiously awaiting my return home to hear abut the drama ... but there was none. I had a great time, Dave was a great date (I may have driven him crazy but I think we got along pretty well - as he said, his energy counter acts my neurosis in a positive way), 2x and chick were just sort of there not affecting my enjoyment one way or the other ... so, in short it was a success but it ended too soon ...

And, after a week of living right next door to good friends I came home and was single and ...

Got Slammed At Work

Crazy hours. Basically no working out although I did ride with the local tri club. They were super fast, but very nice. They all remembered my name and I couldn't figure out why ... I mean, I'm very bad at names. For awhile I figured I was just very memorable but then, as I was careening down a hill, it came to me: I had my name on masking tape on my helmet. Welcome to the short bus. Fortunately, they were all married;)


My sister graduated from college ...

I was exhausted the whole weekend but it was fun. I took one more week to recover and then I started working out again.

Century Ride

Is tomorrow. Oh boy. 100 miles.


Coming up quickly ... I've started packing and planning how to decorate the new place but there is still alot to do ... the next few weeks are going to be jam packed with adventure so I'll try to be better about updating. Yeah, we've all heard that before ...

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