Saturday, November 11, 2006

I have a car and my tapeworm is making me tired.

So, finally got the car and I'm glad because George the car guy and I were getting to know WAY too much about eachother. I still maintain that I don't deserve the car, but I really, really like it. It drives like a dream (yeah, I really just wrote that, I like the way it drives but lets fact it: I'm car illiterate so whether or not it does in fact drive like a dream? No clue.), and does lots of cool things (like know if its raining or if it should turn the radio up because you're driving faster) and it has heated LEATHER seats and its blue tooth enabled - if someone calls you their voice comes out of the ceiling:) So driving out of the city yesterday was fun (well, despite the horrific traffic) and I went back and forth to my parent's once already and I'll do it again tomorrow.

That said, I've really got to curb my spending habits - I spent a crazy amount of money at Saks - yeah it was all on sale and I do need new clothes but ... still. Tomorrow I need to get makeup, underwear and a present for dad's bday but then I'm done for awhile. Really. I am.

This week I've been exhausted to the point of delirium and insatiable hungry. I don't know whats wrong with me - well, actually I do, but for the sake of my boy reader I'll spare you (although, he's married so he probably know how these things work) ... lets just say that I haven't been this tired or hungry in my, err, tired week, in years. I got home from my parent's at noon, laid down on the couch and PASSED out for two hours. Then woke up starving, so I'm blaming it on a tapeworm ... unless you have a better idea:)

In a few minutes I'm going to run 6 miles on the treadmill - yeah, it'll suck, but I don't have an outside run in my right now (even though it is a beautiful day) and then I'm going to make myself look pretty and I'm going out to dinner with a friend who deserves a fun night out ... so I'm gonna do my best to provide it to her!

WSB (walk of shame boy) invited me out for a drink Thursday night and I fabricated plans - just wasn't in the mood to be flirty or not be flirty or to decide which I wanted to be. Either I don't like him or it was the tapeworm again. Not sure.

Also, I think I have a petite crush on a VERY ineligible bachelor. Not good. But fun:) And will make me wear the new clothes. I think it'll either bloom or fizzle soon so I'll keep you posted.

Happy weekends to all!

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